Thursday, October 22, 2009

Logical Reasons to NOT like Twilight

This may be hard for some of you to read because I am not about to sugar coat it on my site. If you are a die hard Twilight fan, stop reading now, I mean it, you will be really upset if you continue to read.

Alright, now that I have that taken care of let me begin. I think the Twilight series is the worst plight that has ever been brought down upon the human race. There aren't enough words to describe how much I loathe the series. Not only because it has an underlying tone that women should pretty much go die if they don't have a man to support them but also it is the most poorly edited piece of ...literature that I have ever read. The first book was about 330 pages, more or less, and it really needed to be a lot less. I love a good romance novel, don't get me wrong, but do I really need to know every little thought that passes through the leading lady's head? 'I was depressed about the rain' 'Why doesn't he like me?' 'Should I move back to Arizona?' 'It wasn't as rainy today but I still hate the weather here...' and so forth and so on. Let's move this story along and get on to the sex!

Now we all know that now a day, more and more teenagers are experimenting with sex, so in a romance novel involving immortals with a major boner for hot chicks you would think there would be a plethora of naked sweaty nights...this is sadly not the case. Instead you read about their angst of not being able to consummate the relationship instead of just getting horizontal and working it out between the sheets. If I had the same feelings Ms. Bella had for Edward, I would not be wasting time being depressed and worrying about what the future held, I would be making most of the present, over and over again! So now it's not so much a romance novel as it is a repressed teenage diary. A diary of someone who has the possibility to be fairly interesting and ultimately disappoints.

The next point I want to bring up is for some reason the 'herorine' can not live with out her man. She puts her self in many dangerous situations just because she imagines his voice talking to her, telling her to keep out of trouble. To me this sends the message that men are clearly superior. They are the ones that choose to leave, choose to come back, call all the shots in the relationship and the women are there to cater to the man's every whim and if they no longer have a man they really have no reason to exist. Does no one else see this? If a guy said he couldn't be with me because he put my life in danger and left me, yeah I would be a wreck but then I would move on and realize that he was right. We shouldn't be together if I was constantly going to worry about people coming to kill me or my family. What kind of person wants that? Love is wonderful but nothing is worth sacrificing yourself or the ones closest to you.

I have no problem with people wanting to promote the supernatural. Vampires and werewolves are fun to play with and give you a wide birth to have a great story. These series of stories, however, really don't need to sully the name of vampires and werewolves. I mean please, they go out in the sun light and all they do is sparkle? There is nothing preventing these creatures from running rampant and dominating the world! It is completely unbelievable that they would want to keep themselves in hiding because they don't want anyone to know they are vampires. Please, someone finds out you are a vampire, what would the person do? They can't fight you off; you are super fast, you can move in the daylight, you don't need to sleep and you can survive on animal blood if you need to go into hiding. You are good looking and have a mystical power when you are "turned". Some one explain to me again what would be keeping them from taking over the planet?

I suppose that if you took away the supernatural aspect of the story it would make it a little better but really I think this is just a repressed woman not being able to take control of her own sexuality and having to hide behind her true fantasies that aren't being fufilled at home. Please next time just ask your husband to be a little more considerate of your needs so that we don't have to be subjected to your horrible writing and ridiculous concepts.

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