Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Twilight people should check out Buffy

For the longest time I have been a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan. I love the television show and the Season 8 comics. Joss Wheadon is the main reason I started reading other comics. (He was an author for a stint on Astonishing X-men and if you love him and you love X-Men this is definitely a must read.) Getting back on topic...this man opened my eyes to a whole different world of magic and supernatural that were fun and helped me deal with the stresses of day to day life.

Buffy Summers was the ultimate ideal! Strong, beautiful, funny (abusive to the English language, which isn't necessarily ideal but is very amusing) with the weight of the world on her shoulders. This woman was taking care of not only the world, i.e. the constant torment of the hell mouth, she was also having to deal with normal 'human' issues. **SPOILER ALERT** Her mother dies before she turns 21, she struggles with the ups and downs of love, she has to take care of the bills, her sister is constantly looking to her for advice and she juggles her school work while dealing out a massive slayage of evil!

The show is fun and chalked full of witty banter with amazing characters that each individually add something to the story. Joss has a way of story telling that can allow anyone to be able to join the show at any point and follow along no problem. After seeing daring heroics and people over coming adversities it just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy! You want to go finish that project or tackle the laundry (that has been piling up while you were watching Buffy) or starting that book you have always meant to read! While these ambitions aren't as noble as rescuing your friends from murderous vampires, the show really gives you a sense of empowerment.

If you love a fun, clever, fast paced show then you most definitely will want to check out Buffy the Vampire Slayer! It must also be said that if you think Twilight offers an epic love story that can not be denied, then you will definitely love all the men in Buffy Summers world! They are charming, have that tragic Romeo and Juliet vibe and having them spend most of their scenes shirtless looking all ripped isn't a bad thing either! In Twilight there aren't that many men for Belle to choose from (Edward/Jacob) where as Buffy has a new guy to consider every other season! With so many choices there is no way that can't lead to some kind of love triangle and so much more drama! What girl doesn't love the extra boy drama? Half of the time most girls can barely get a guy to look twice let alone have more than one fighting over her! *Swoon* Huh, where was I? Oh right, the hot men from Buffy...*clears throat* they are definitely a MAJOR highlight of the show!

To many people, this show is held on the same parallel as the movie, they think it is corny and just another lame attempt at horror genre. The only problem with this thought is that while it is true that Joss Wheadon did write the original screenplay for the movie, the producers had a different vision for the movie and that is how the cheesy/corny film came to light. Joss has stated that he never envisioned that type of movie and after the movie bombed at the box office, he had little hope that his version would ever come to exist. Luckily for us FOX felt differently after hearing how the story should have been portrayed. The 'real' Buffy is all about human relationships, the constant pull of using great power for evil, and having to make tough choices to be able to do the right thing.

If all of these things weren't enough to convince you to watch the show maybe this will. Buffy the Vampire Slayer has it's very own musical episode...that's right I didn't stutter, an original musical episode! I firmly believe that this episode revived the 'musical' and made it cool to be a theater geek once more! This episode has its own film festival every year in Los Angeles, CA as a reminder to the genius that is Joss Wheadon! *stepping down off soap box* The musical episode is one of my top 5 favorite episodes of the entire series. It showcases all the actors individual talents and gives you something a little less heavy to chew on. In classic Wheadon fashion the musical, while fun and different, has been inserted with real issues that need to be brought to light even though none of the characters want to deal with any of those said issues.

While Buffy may not be everyone's cup of tea, I just couldn't sit idly by while Twilight ran amok through teenage hormones who were ignorant of the greatness that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In conclusion, if you enjoy Twilight, there is no way that you couldn't enjoy Buffy. You must stick with the show however. You can not give up after the first or second season. The show is its greatest in its entirety! Go forth now and experience the awesomeness of the first vampire drama. I promise you won't regret it!

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