Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Simply Fantastic

There aren't that many perks being a movie theater manager. The pay is less than desirable, customers can berate you with out remorse, and your employees constantly try and question your authority because they are still teenagers and don't think of this as a "real" job.
I know with all of these points suggesting that this is not a great job to have their is one terrific point that allows you to overlook all the bad. It can be summed up in two words: pre-release screenings. Since most theaters still have to use actual film prints, they need to make sure that there aren't any major scratches or errors in the prints. Once everything goes digital, I am not sure how often theaters will continue to do this but for now you can't beat this wonderful little perk.
With the holiday season close at hand, there are many new releases, some of which I am very excited to watch, others not so much. Last night I was able to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox. I am so in love with this movie! Roald Dahl is one of my favorite authors. He is the main reason I loved to read. This movie embodies everything Roald Dahl is about. Its clever and witty and really pushes you to the next level of thinking from a child's point of view. No matter who you are, there is something in this movie for everyone.
Ash is Mr. Fox's son and he is the picture perfect image of me as a child! Grape juice mustaches, faking sick to stay home, threatened by siblings, I mean other family members...moving on, even though he is little he has the courage of a wolf! (Just don't let his Dad know!)
Many activities that go on in the movie made me giggle and ask what the cuss is going on?! The impromtu singing during the food heist is a treasure and it's the little details like yellow shoes that are the best about this movie. There are so many things packed into the movie it's hard to express everything that is wonderful about it.
Only people that are boring who have no personality with a lower intellegence will hate this movie. My recommendation, this movie is a must see! If you see the movie you will know what I mean but until then enjoy this trailer and go watch it soon!

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