Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Movie Posters: keep them off the streets!

As you know I work at a movie theater, at said movie theater, there are lots of people who want to get the posters and try and sell them on EBAY. Let me explain something to all you non nerds out there, if you ain't a vendor, we ain't gonna buy.

Sure you can post a picture on the web of the item, that doesn't mean it is the condition it looks in the photo. Heck, it may not even be an actual movie poster, could be one of those jobs you get at Wal-Mart or Spencer's. Maybe it is just a mini poster that you got for free at some theater...whatever the case may be, real nerds aren't going to buy a poster from some one on the internet that isn't an actual vendor. We like our items pristine and in mint condition, not beat up or looking like death warmed over.

Let's keep these awesome posters to those who are going to actually hang them on their own walls or give them to people that they know will hang them on their walls. These treasures are meant to be shared with everyone, not selfishly traded like fine grade A beef!

Enjoy this little piece of art that reminds me to cherish all things up on my walls...thanks Peng Peng!

Rogue wants you to pin your posters on your own walls!

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