Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ok peeps, I am reporting live from Ohayocon in Columbus, OH! I am in line to get an autograph from Stephanie Sheh, while waiting I had the extreme pleasure of sitting in front of the 3 biggest douche bags in the entire planet! Mybe I am jus food deprived but they are those types of people who act like they know evrything but they litterally have no clue! It's like the universe folded upon itself and has caused a rip in time and dumped these people all in one place!! The range of topics went from DrangonballZ to M. Night Shamalan...sp? Anyway, I have developed an eye twitch and Birdiebo is trying hard not to use our chairs as weapons... Needless to say it's finally our turn and you can tell all your friends that Stepanie Sheh saved lives today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new layout!!! Very nice!