Friday, May 21, 2010

MacGruber the Movie

I don't know if anyone has seen the MACGRUBER skit on SNL but if you haven't you should definitely check it out on Youtube.  The one with Betty White is my personal favorite but there are many others that you can surely enjoy!'s an awesome action film with lots of ghost sex...MacGruber...WWE universe sends out its gay team, I mean A team...MacGruber...he makes an awesome spanish monk...MacGruber!

Once you know the opening theme of MacGruber you can sing this little diddy in your head for days!
The movie did go a bit slow in certain spots but for the most part it was a silly and a tad naughty but it was everything I expected it to be.
The basic plot of the movie is MacGruber (which if you weren't aware by now is supposed to be a rip off of MacGyver) has gone into retirement and the only thing that can get him to serve his country is the stealing of an F5 nuclear missile by his arch enemy Cunths.  With the help of sidekick Vicki St. Elmo and fresh out of the academy Lt. Piper, MacGruber goes undercover to make sure that Cunths has the feeling pound out of him!
Many more puns and witty banter ensues with the name Cunths and trust me, this is one SNL movie spin off that I think everyone can enjoy!

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