Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Twilight can suck it, True Blood is where it's at!

It's that time again! True Blood time! Ever since Buffy has ended, many have tried to replicate the magic that Joss Wheadon created, but none have been able to get that same reaction...until Ms. Charlaine Harris.

She is one of the most adorable southern women and has captured the essence of all things sexy!  June 13th kicks off the third season of True Blood and if the books are any indication, this season should be excellent.  I am worried a little about the direction that they are going to take with the show, mainly because last season with the whole Marianne fiasco, I literally wanted to puke.  However I have seen some photos and I must say I am getting extremely pumped.  Here are some of my favorites:

If you simply can't wait, you can read the books in the mean time.  They are all available online at Amazon.com, even the new hard cover Dead in the Family.  You can get it for a limited time of 9.99!!!  I am super stoked about this amazing deal and can't wait to get my copy!

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