Saturday, December 12, 2009

Alright, as your host of this terrific blog, I have decided that I want lots and lots of art decorating the pages. Every month we will be asking all talented artisans to step forward and show us what you got. This featured artist will be able to post however many masterpieces they like, with links to let you know a little more about them.

I think it is a given that our first featured artist should be none other than Birdiebo! Her article regarding fan art really got me thinking and everyone out there should know what good fan art looks like:

She really is very talented and I know I am fortunate to have her as the resident art guru! Let's give miss Birdiebo some snaps and I will have some updated sketches all week long!

1 comment:

Oansun said...

Is there a way to blow up the image? It is too small.